All that required to be a Presbyterian is to profess your faith in Jesus Christ and promise to support the church.
What We Believe
“Presbyterian” means a church governed by elders. Long before democracy was fashion-able, lay elders shared leadership with ministers in ruling Our Church. Our Presbyterian system of government, with its local, regional, and national levels, was a major influence on our U.S. constitution and American representative government.
Presbyterians trace their history back to John Calvin (d. 1564). If Martin Luther was the heart of the Reformation, Calvin was its mind. Presbyterians approach faith with both heart and mind and try to live as Christians with order and ardor.
As part of the 2 million member Presbyterian Church (USA), First Church affirms our Presbyterian heritage by developing and informed and Biblically – literate laity; understanding work as vocation; encouraging Christian unity; promoting social justice and individual morality; and having an unshakable confidence in the rule of God over creation.