What so ever you do to the last of my people, that you do unto me. Matthew 25:40
This verse from the book of Matthew is the principle guiding force behind the mission program at the First Presbyterian Church. Through our mission efforts, we help Christ’s hurting people where the Holy Spirit directs our help. Our mission activities are divided into four categories; international, national, regional and local. In addition, one half of our mission/tithing collection goes to the local Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly for mission support. Also in addition to our tithing and pledge mission fund individuals donate money to missions of their choosing.
In 2024, we supported the following mission categories as follows:
International: Tithing Fund – $2,000 Private Gifts – $1,590.36
National: Tithing Fund – $2,346.22 Private Gifts – $950.00
Regional: Tithing Fund – $1,850.00
Local: Tithing Fund – $2,129.33 Private Gifts – $25,449.31
- South Sudan
- World Central Kitch
- Presbyterian World Mission: Jose LaMont Jones
- Presbyterian World Mission: “WOW” Water Project
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance – Fires, Floods, Hurricanes
- The Compassionate Way
- Presbytery Assistance: Hunger Fund, One Great Hour, Christmas Joy Offering
Regional (within the Synod of Lakes and Prairies)
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance – Floods
- NUMAS Haus
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Free Clinic
- Second Harvest
- Children’s Minnesota Foundation
- Sharing is Caring
Local (mostly throughout Redwood County)
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance – Floods
- Weekend Food Bags
- Matthew 25
- Redwood Animal Shelter
- Share the Spirit
- Backpack Ministry
- Friendship Dinners
- Food Shelf
- Imagination Libary
- Memorial Projects
- Special Needs